







因為不是每個人都適合微整或是手術,如果兩者都適合的,也會先建議以微整的方式開始,當達到滿意的輪廓外型時,再請教整型醫師,是否植入的假體也能達到相同效果? 如果答案是肯定的,即可考慮永久性的整型手術。




醫師技術和信譽最重要,所以要找專業微整的醫美診所,由醫師親自看診,了解你的需求,能仔細的與你溝通,就你狀況 共同擬定治療計畫,讓你放心。



玻尿酸墊下巴不只一種玻尿酸,所以可以在術前去各大醫美診所和皮膚科詢問一下醫生, 我順便大推一下目前最新的玻尿酸,這也可以用在墊下巴微整型上面,叫做長效型玻尿酸,長效型玻尿酸就是時效比較長, 因為普通的玻尿酸時效較短,大約六到九個月吧,你想想大概半年多的時間就要花一次錢是不是比較不划算, 長效型玻尿酸除了時效大概多一倍,對於墊下巴微整型來說,更多了有拉提的效果,讓小V臉變得更立體更顯著, 長效型玻尿酸也能讓你墊的下巴看得更小V, 雖然說是微整形美容下巴沒後遺症,但前幾周也要好好保養,別去壓迫傷口,以免墊下巴的地方無法定型唷。



目前墊下巴的方式,多以微整形注射填充物質來進行,可得到較自然、柔順的感覺。較目前較常使用的劑型以大分子填充劑為主,有玻尿酸,像瑞絲朗系列(如Sub-Q,Perlane), 喬雅登系列(如Juvederm Ultra Plus, Voluma),微晶瓷(Radiesse),或雅得媚(Aquamid)等。



Anything You Needed To Know (and A Number Of The Facts You Didn't) About Cosmetic Surgery

You likely already know some of the great things aesthetic surgery are capable of doing for individuals. You likely know several celebrities who have had good results off their aesthetic surgery procedures. Situations are different once you are the one getting aesthetic surgery.

It is very important keep yourself well-informed about how long it will take you decide to obtain aesthetic surgery.

You ought to have money set aside earmarked for almost any expenses associated with your recovery.This will likely help you stay focused on recovering without worrying concerning the financial implications of surgery.

Perform a little research to learn should your possible surgeon you are considering includes a policy about revisions. Some surgeons have a policy where they will likely perform corrective surgery without the additional costs for free.

You will probably find yourself needing substantial time off prior to resuming your regular routine with a few procedures.

Before and after pictures of employment that the surgeon has performed understand that they may be only going to tell you things they can be very proud of, ask to see . A thoroughly honest surgeon might even have the ability to provide you with photographs of the patient who necessary to are available in for the correction or revision after the original surgery did not prove just as they had hoped. If the photos you're being shown don't show what you would like, check around for another surgeon.

What questions if you have for the plastic surgeon? Before planning any cosmetic procedure, there is lots your surgeon must tell you must learn. You also want to have a look at pictures of men and women they have worked tirelessly on. Find out about the medications, time to recover and medicines needed.

Research a good potential doctor. Should they know anything good surgeons, ask friends and family.

Be mindful that the fee for your surgery may change. There are several factors which could make the surgery might cost more, the positioning of the procedure and other fees which can vary by location. Make certain that you consult with your surgeon or his financial department concerning the medical costs before proceeding. Tend not to pay one thin dime until your out-of-pocket expenses will be.

Set realistic expectations for a way you can expect to care for your plastic cosmetic surgery. This is especially true if there are deep rooted mental issues in regards to perceptions about physical appearance. Simply altering your appearance may well not prove sufficient to ease such concerns. You might want to meet with a professional to acquire help specifically with the particular issues.

If circumstances change, the expense of cosmetic surgery may change. The ultimate bill is determined by various things like anesthesia, clinic charges and other fees. Guarantee that you talk to your surgeon or his financial department about the medical costs prior to proceeding. Do not make any payment until your financial responsibility has been disclosed in creating.

Attempt to fix what you're unhappy with, before opting to have cosmetic plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is normally safe, however, you always face the possibility that something may go wrong. Some common complaints, including obesity, like a medically prescribed diet to shed weight.

Set realistic expectations for your plastic surgery. This can be even more important for those who have poor self image. Simply switching your appearance somewhat might not address those problems. You might like to seek professional to obtain help specifically with your particular issues.

Ask as numerous questions that you can.

Anyone contemplating cosmetic surgery procedure should analyze the way fits into their life. In the event the patient is experiencing great stress or major upheaval, it is usually a good idea to postpone any plastic cosmetic surgery.

Ask your surgeon the number of successful procedures in the type you desire he or she has performed. You will want surgeon using a steady hand and lots of practice.

You should try to give up smoking for a minimum of a month before going through with the surgery. Some doctors will refuse to function on anyone that does smoke. Cigarettes can reduce the circulation of blood and make it hard to heal through the procedure.

Make inquiries regarding using antibiotics before surgery. Look for out the specific medication you will need. Some medications place restrictions that you'll should comply with. Keep in mind any unwanted effects or hypersensitive reactions that may have to some antibiotics.

You have to be sure you may have realistic expectations in regards to the results of the surgery before agreeing to plastic surgery. Your personal doctor may help you in this way. Take a look at previous patient case studies in order to know what types of results may be. Surgical treatment can make changes, nevertheless they do not possess magical powers.

Before investing in getting the procedure done, you should have realistic expectations. Your personal doctor can be a great help in terms of this. Take a look at pictures to find out what sorts of results might be. Aesthetic surgery will not be miraculous, but it cannot make miracles happen!

Everybody has something about themselves they wish to change, and then for some, plastic cosmetic surgery may help. Surgery will help you lookthinner and younger. Alternatively, even feel more confident. Look into every possibility to ensure that you are going to do the right thing and have fun with your fresh look!



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